A revolutionary cleanser formulated for a broad spectrum of skin problems. This product effectively destroys bacteria and fungus on contact yet leaves the skin soft and supple. Safe enough to use as a disincrustation solution for softening sebum deposits while killing bacteria. A superb cleanser for acne conditions.
Price is for 4oz quantity,
For all types of problem skin and fungus conditions. Antimicrobial Skin Cleanser has received acclaim for it's safe, nontoxic and non-irritating action. Scientifically formulated to kill bacteria and fungus. Effectively controls skin problems such as acne, blackheads, athlete’s foot, nail fungus, bedsores and diaper rash. The uses are endless...
Application: Pour small amount of cleanser into palm of hand, and massage well into affected area. Rinse thoroughly with tepid water and gently pat skin dry. (Before bedtime, a thin layer of Anti-Microbial solution may be reapplied to the affected area, allowed to dry, and left on the skin while you sleep).
Highly recommended and highly effective for use before and during your salon procedures. An excellent germicidal scrub before disinfection of implements.
May be safely used on minor cuts, abrasions and skin irritation. Aids in the relief of athlete’s foot, nail fungus, diaper rash, bedsores, fever blisters, etc. by giving the body’s own natural healing ability a fighting chance against infection.